Student Solution


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Week 2 Digital Field Trip Reflection

Week 2 Digital Field Trip Reflection

Q instruction for field trip: This week you will take a digital field trip to view the Ancient Greece Architecture Gallery at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Located in New York, the Met offers one of the United States' most diverse and largest collections of art in the world. Your visit to the digital archive will help you develop your understanding of ancient Greek architectural forms, and provide key details about the contexts that these forms emerged from. For this assignment you will need to: Read the Lecture for the week Engage in weekly Discussions to help develop ideas Visit the Met Archive at: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Produce a 500-700 word reflection assignment (see description below) For your reflection assignment for this week, please select one primary example from the archive and address the following in a two-page reflection assignment: Describe the example you have selected and provide the image in the essay and a link to the image in the reference page. Explain the origins and context of the example. Include examples from the textbook this week that help develop your analysis of the work and its context. Include an example of a work of contemporary architecture with a link to the work and discuss the influence that ancient Greece continues to have on contemporary cultural patterns.

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Ancient architecture has an amazing way of enticing and engaging the mind, taking it down the memory lane, and creating a pathway to reminiscent a piece of the past in present times. Taking the journey through the hallways of the Metropolitan Museum of Art and upon entering the Ancient Greece Architecture section, the first thought that came was of how much influence the Greeks had on modern architecture and the remains that exist today to remind us of the numerous innovations and contributions Greek architecture made